watch the full recording of our first online event at your leisure!

The recording of our first online event is now available for you to view online.  

We heard from UKC3 about their work with cyber clusters across the UK and the plans for how they will evolve this alongside a wide range of initiatives in the coming years.  Darren Chapman, Cluster Manager of Cyber East, shared the plans for the cluster and how these are going to be delivered alongside our membership, which was followed by a fascinating talk from Paul Maskall looking at the Psychology of Cyber where he explored what motivates us to act the way we do regarding cyber risk both as individuals and in business.

The last part of the event had our speakers plus a special guest panellist the CISO of BAE Systems Dr Buck Rogers, taking questions from the audience and discussing a wider range of cyber related topics.

You can view the whole event via the link below using the passcode 8#@jf6V#


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